Matcha Green Tea Bath salts

Matcha Green Tea for Skin

While I love drinking matcha lattes, this green tea powder is also great for improving the appearance of skin, so I like adding it to homemade beauty products.

Add matcha and your favorite essential oils to a good bath salts base and you have a bath soak to help you calm, de-stress and have soft skin.

– Baking soda – Epsom salts – Matcha tea powder – Dried lavender – Frankincense essential oil – Lavender essential oil


How to Make Your Own Matcha Green Tea Bath salts


Combine Dry Ingredients

Combine the Epsom salts, baking soda and matcha green tea powder in a small mixing bowl.


Add Lavender Flowers

Next, add your dried lavender flowers and whisk until everything is evenly combined.


Add the Essential Oils

Once everything is whisked together, you can add your essential oils and mix until they are evenly distributed throughout the bath soak.

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